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Lamoresca - Vino Rosato 2022

 Biodynamic Grown Organically 

Price: $38.99

Quantity in Stock: 5
Producer Lamoresca
Country Italy
Region Sicily
Varietal Nero d'Avola Frappato Zibibbo
Vintage 2022
Sku 1121589
Size 750ml

Tasting Notes: Lamoresca's Rosato is compsed of primarally Frappato, with a small amount of Nero d'Avola and Zibbibo. It is an incredibly beautiful and floral rosato that speaks both to the region and unique winemaking of the enologist Filippo Rizzo. The wine initially shows notes of raspberry, watermellon and pomegranate, but quickly reveals a much more herbacious core, that is characterized by an intense lavendar and sage aroma that is common to all the Lamoresca wines. This is definately a rosato that will benifit from some age, and often takes at least a year to become approachable. 

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